Preparing for a
Secure Paris 2024

Unit 42 Paris 2024 Threat Report

Unit 42 Paris 2024 Threat Report

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Unit 42 Highlights Cyberthreats
to Paris 2024

Get the Unit 42 report for insights on cyberattacks that could target and disrupt critical services during the Olympic Games.

Primary Threats

Financially motivated crime is identified as the highest and most sustained threat, with cyber-enabled fraud being a prevalent means to obtain illicit funds from enterprises and individuals​.

Politically Motivated Sabotage

State-sponsored actors and hacktivists are likely to target the Olympics, with a high potential for disruptive or destructive attacks, such as DDoS attacks or website defacements.

Espionage Concerns

Espionage remains a concern, particularly state-sponsored threats conducting surveillance on dissidents, activists or persons of interest​.

Critical Services

Key services at risk include event management, hospitality, payment services, safety and security, sponsorship, technology, media, telecommunications and transport and logistics​.

2024 Unit 42 Incident Response Report

2024 Unit 42 Incident Response Report

The insider’s guide to the latest cyberthreat insights.

Read the report
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